The 8th Day of the MONTH OF JULY

Commemoration of the Holy Greatmartyr Procopius

(for this day we provide also the service in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Theotokos)


On “Lord, I have cried…”, 6 stichera for the martyr: 3 in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: “As one valiant among the martyrs…” —

Thy name was given thee from heaven as to a preacher to the nations, O most glorious Procopius; and, illumined in mind, thou didst forsake the darkness of idolatry and becamest a lamp for the faithful, illumining the ends of the earth with the divine radiance of thine honored struggles, O glory and boast of the martyrs.

Having first subdued the uprisings of the flesh with abstinence, thou didst later set thyself apart for the contest with manly mind, through the power of the Spirit, O most blessed Procopius, not sparing thy flesh. Wherefore, thou didst endure all manner of tortures, and, crowned, hast ascended to the choirs on high.

As an invincible commander, armed with the Cross, thou didst drown all the power of the adversary in the streams of thy blood, hast richly poured forth showers of healing from the wellsprings of salvation, O right wondrous one, and dost water all who are stuck fast in the flame of the passions, O thou who art divinely inspired.

And 3 stichera in the same tone: Spec. Mel.: “Thou hast given a sign…” —

Like Paul of old, thou wast called from heaven by Jesus the Truth, O all-glorious Procopius; and, believing on Him with all thy soul, O blessed one, thou didst forsake the falsehood and ungodly lies bequeathed to thee by thine ancestors, and, rejoicing, didst set thyself apart for painful labors, enlightened by the thought of perfect suffering.

Lacerated with a trident, burned with fire, and imprisoned in a dungeon, thou didst remain steadfast, looking forward with enlightened mind to the divine rewards which lay before thee, O much suffering martyr. Wherefore, Christ, the Bestower of crowns, hath crowned thee, O Procopius, who completed thy struggles and preserved the Faith.

Truly desiring the beauties of thy divine soul, O Procopius, Jesus pursued thee with the image of the suffering which He endured in the flesh; and thine enemies marvelled at thy patience and splendor. Wherefore, O glorious one, we call blessed thee and those who suffered with thee. With them ask remission of sins for those who hymn thee.

Glory…, in Tone VI —

Thy glorious memorial hath shone forth today, O much-suffering Procopius, summoning us, who love the feasts of the Church, to the goodly praise and glory of Christ our God. Wherefore, hastening to the shrine of thy relics, we receive gifts of healings, and we forever hymn Christ the Savior, Who hath crowned thee, glorifying Him unceasingly.

Now & ever…: Theotokion, or this stavrotheotokion: Spec. Mel.: “Having set all aside…” —

When the unblemished ewe-lamb, the immaculate Mistress, beheld her Lamb upon the tree of the Cross, she cried out maternally and, marvelling, exclaimed: “O my Child most sweet, what is this new and all-glorious sight? How is it that the thankless assembly hath betrayed Thee to the tribunal of Pilate, Who art the life of all? Yet I hymn Thine ineffable condescension, O Word!”

At the aposticha: Glory…, the composition of Procopius the Chartophylax, in Tone VIII —

Illumined with the mystic effulgence of the all-radiant Trinity, O martyr Procopius of valiant mind, thou becamest a god by adoption, deified by communion. Wherefore, by thy supplications save from multifarious perils those who with faith celebrate thy luminous festival.

Now & ever…: Theotokion, or this stavrotheotokion: Spec. Mel.: “O all-glorious wonder…” —

Seeing Thee, O Jesus, nailed to the Cross, and voluntarily accepting suffering, the Virgin, Thy Mother, cried aloud, O Master: “Woe is me, O my sweet Child! How is it that Thou dost unjustly endure wounding, O Physician Who hast healed men’s infirmity and delivered all from corruption in Thy loving-kindness?”

Troparion, in Tone IV —

In his suffering, O Lord, Thy martyr Procopius received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; for, possessed of Thy might, he cast down the tormenters and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. By his supplications save Thou our souls.


Both canons from the Octoechos, without the martyrica; and that of the martyr, with 6 troparia, in Tone IV —

Ode I

Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the Red Sea with dryshod feet, Israel of old vanquished the might of Amalek in the wilderness by Moses’ arms stretched out in the form of the Cross.

Drenched with the rich effulgence of the Spirit, O martyr Procopius, as one enlightened deliver from the darkness of the passions and from dangers those who honor thine honorable festival.

Thy calling came not from men, O Procopius; rather Christ pursued thee from heaven, as He had Paul of old, making thee a true witness to His sufferings.

As one sensible, O all-wise Procopius, thou didst exchange a corrupt army for one which is everlasting, and a mortal king for One Who is immortal, Who giveth thee a kingdom incorruptible.

Theotokion: O all-hymned Theotokos, thou gavest birth to the Creator of nature, Who hath deified us by a true union which passeth understanding. Him do thou beseech, that He enlighten those who hymn thee.


Irmos: Neither in wisdom, nor in power, nor yet in riches do we boast, but in Thee, O Christ, the hypostatic Wisdom of the Father; for none is holy save Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind.

Christ appeared to thee all-gloriously in the midst of the Cross, manifestly teaching thee of His condescension toward us, and summoning thee to suffering.

Breathing forth zeal for God, thou didst raise thyself up as a temple and tower for the divine Spirit; and thou didst cast down the demons’ temples and graven images bereft of soul, O martyr Procopius.

Thou wast stripped of the garments of thy skin through flaying, but didst put on the vesture of incorruption, O Procopius; and thou hast stripped naked the greatly crafty one, O martyr.

Theotokion: From every assault of the adverse serpent deliver me, O pure Mother and Virgin, and enlighten the heart of me who glorify thee with faith, O all-immaculate one.

Sessional hymn, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: “Thy tomb…” —

Like Paul of old, Christ called thee to faith from heaven, O wise Procopius, perceiving the divine beauty of thy heart. Wherefore, thou didst suffer manfully, proclaiming His sufferings and condescension toward men, O all-blessed one. Twice

Glory…, Now & ever…: Theotokion —

O pure and unwedded Virgin Theotokos, thou sole intercessor and protection of the faithful, from all tribulations, sorrows and evil circumstances deliver those who set their hope on thee, and by thy divine supplications save our souls, O Maiden.

Stavrotheotokion —

Beholding Thee hanging, dead, upon the Cross, O Christ, Thy most immaculate Mother cried out: “O my Son, Who with the Father and the Spirit art equally without beginning, what is this, Thine ineffable dispensation, wherewith Thou hast saved the creation of Thine own all-pure hands, O Compassionate One?”

Ode IV

Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the Cross, O Sun of righteousness, the Church stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

By thy divine visions thou didst cut down the prideful tyrant, who was arrogant in the might of his ungodliness, crying out to the Master: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

The Deliverer appeared to thee when thou wast imprisoned in a dungeon, O Procopius, filling thee with boldness, illumining thee with radiance, and imparting a twofold calling to thy going forth.

Those who were enshrouded in the gloom of unbelief, seeing thy countenance illumined by divine grace, received the light of faith at the behest of God.

Theotokion: O Mistress, by thy tireless supplications wake me for the dawn of repentance, who am weighted down with the sleep of despondency, and save me, O thou who alone gavest birth to the Savior.

Ode V

Irmos: The ungodly perceive not Thy glory, O Christ; but, waking at dawn out of the night, we hymn Thee, O Only-begotten One Who lovest mankind, Thou effulgence of the glory of the Father’s divinity.

With the light of thy words thou didst lead a godly army to Christ, and through the blood of martyrdom it hath, with thee, inherited the everlasting kingdom, O Procopius.

The Women of senatorial rank became participants in the assembly on high, and, renouncing the splendor of their rank, they elected to die for Thee, O immortal Word.

Afire with divine zeal, the souls which desired Thy kingdom, O greatly Merciful One, disdained their bodies, which were mercilessly burned and consumed.

Theotokion: Conceiving God, thou gavest birth to Emmanuel, Who became man for the restoration of men, O pure and all-pure one. Him do thou ever entreat, that He save our souls.

Ode VI

Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee, cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood which, for mercy’s sake, flowed from Thy side.

Thy mellifluous tongue, exuding honeyed teachings, hath truly delivered from the bitterness of ungodliness those who in submission have recourse to thee, O martyr Procopius.

Having acquired piety as thy mother, O martyr, thou didst divest thyself of impiety and through thy martyrdom didst lead thine honored mother in the flesh to the heavenly Father.

Though he pierced thy cheeks with an iron rod, O martyr, the tyrant could not shake the firmness of thy mind, which was fixed steadfastly by the love of Him Who endured suffering in the flesh.

Theotokion: Ineffably didst thou give birth, O all-holy Virgin, to the Holy of holies, Who doth ever sanctify the faithful and uniteth the choirs of the martyrs with those of the angels.

Kontakion, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: “Seeking the highest…” —

Set afire by divine zeal for Christ, and protected by the might of the Cross, O Procopius, thou didst cast down the audacity and boldness of the foe, and didst raise up an honorable temple, excelling in faith and enlightening us.

Ikos: O Word Who art wholly without beginning, grant Thou a mouth of understanding to me who desire to hymn Thy warrior Procopius — for Thou hast in the abyss of Thy judgments an incalculable wealth of loving-kindness, O my Christ; — that, purified of darkness of soul and having washed away all defilement of mind, I may become, through Thy godly works, a temple of sanctity, and may chant worthy hymns to the martyr, excelling in faith and enlightening us.


Irmos: The children of Abraham in the Persian furnace, afire with love of piety more than with the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord!

Though thy neck was crushed with leaden weights, O martyr, thou didst not feel it, for thou didst desire to bear upon thy neck the all-easy yoke of Him Who, in His loving-kindness, ­assumed our nature.

Receiving the grace of healings from on high, thou dispellest infirmities, O martyr, and drivest away evil spirits, crying out: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers!

Sustaining multifarious wounds at the hands of the enemy and burned with fire, O blessed one, thou didst steadily burn up ungodliness, crying out: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Theotokion: From an incorrupt Virgin was the Word supernaturally born, Who by His word created all things, desiring to deliver from irrationality those who glorify His voluntary condescension.


Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel shut the lions’ mouths in the pit; and the young lovers of piety, girded about with virtue, quenched the power of the fire, crying out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Cruelly burned with torches, pierced with sharp blades, and convulsed with repeated wounding, O martyr, suffering exceedingly thou didst cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

With thy right hand thou didst smite the dark visages of the demons, O blessed one; for thou didst set it against burning embers, that it might be consumed, O glorious one, opposing the iniquitous tyrant and crying out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Having Christ, the immovable Rock, as thy foundation, O most blessed and glorious Procopius, cruelly weighted down with stones thou didst rejoice, and He eased thy burden, that thou mightest attain easy joy, crying out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Theotokion: As thou didst foretell, O Maiden, behold! all generations call thee blessed, who gavest birth to the blessed God Who maketh blessed those who faithfully follow His precepts and cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Ode IX

Irmos: Christ, the Chief Cornerstone uncut by human hands, Who united the two disparate natures, was cut from thee, the unquarried mountain, O Virgin. Wherefore, in gladness we magnify thee, O Theotokos.

When thou didst receive the end thou didst desire, thou didst most wisely bow thy head before God; and, struck by the sword, thou didst mount thy blood as it were a chariot and didst hasten to Him, O martyr.

As a wellspring of miracles, thou pourest forth rivers of healings, and thou puttest an end to the flame of the passions and drownest hordes of the demons by the almighty divine power of the Spirit, O right wondrous one.

O Procopius, by thy sacred entreaties to God the Creator, save those who joyously keep thy most holy memory from every threat, every illness and every misfortune.

Theotokion: From thy light-bearing womb, O Mistress, thou hast shone forth upon us the Light, the Fashioner of the sun and the stars and all creation. Him do thou earnestly beseech, that He enlighten those who hymn thee.

Exapostilarion —

Like Paul, thy calling was from heaven, O Procopius, and progressing thereto, in accordance with thy name, thou didst lead choirs of martyrs to the Lord, and with them prayest for those who praise thee.

Theotokion —

O Ever-virgin Virgin Mother, who gavest birth to the Light from the unbegotten Light, cease thou never to guide those who hymn thee by thy tireless supplications to the never-waning Light.

On the Praises, 4 stichera —

The composition of Byzantius, in Tone II: As one proceeding unto God, O passion-bearer, and possessing boldness before Him, ever standing before His throne in divinely excellent paths, in the divine works of those who are well-pleasing to Him and bless Him: Pray for all, that they may progress therein.

The composition of Germanus, in Tone III: Struggling in the age of thy youth, like the most divine Paul, thou didst receive a divine gift from on high; and with the Cross as thy weapon thou didst cast down the audacity of the cruel foe. O passion-bearer Procopius, boast of the martyrs, pray to the Lord for us, that He save our souls.

The composition of Cyprian, in Tone IV: Laudation is offered up to God by lips of clay on the divine day of thy commemoration, O much-suffering Procopius; for thou didst show thyself to be an excellent warrior of the word of Faith, vanquishing the faces of the idols in thy labors. And now thou hast been made brilliant by the light of the Trinity, illumining our minds by thy supplications.

In Tone V: Arrayed today in thy might, O martyr of Christ, the Church rejoiceth; and, rendering thee honor, it right laudably crieth out thy most excellent memorial as is meet: Rejoice, thou who didst emulate Paul and, taking up the Cross of Christ, didst crush the snares of the alien! Rejoice, O much-suffering Procopius, thou boast of the martyrs and dominion of kings! Cease not to pray for us to the Lord, in that thou hast boldness, O adornment of athletes!

Glory, in Tone IV —

The Church of God, having adorned itself in the robe of thy martyrdom empurpled with thy blood, emitteth sun-like rays, O much-suffering Procopius; for having armed thyself with the Cross, and valiantly desiring to follow Christ in death, thou didst take thy stand against the array of the alien, and, putting to shame the plots of the iniquitous, thou wast shown to be a victorious warrior of Christ. Wherefore, we entreat thee: As thou hast boldness before Him, O adornment of the martyrs, pray that our souls be saved.

Now & ever…: Theotokion, or this stavrotheotokion: Spec. Mel.: “As one valiant among the martyrs…” —

Beholding Christ, Who loveth mankind, crucified, His side pierced by a spear, the all-pure one cried out, weeping: “What is this, O my Son? How have the thankless people rewarded Thee for the good things Thou didst do for them? And dost Thou hasten to leave me childless, O most Beloved? I marvel, O Compassionate One, at Thy voluntary crucifixion!”

At the aposticha, this sticheron, in Tone VI —

Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the God of Israel.

Come, all ye ends of the earth, and let us form a spiritual choir, and, taking up the sound of the clarion in our hymnody, let us offer songs of thanksgiving, saying: Rejoice, O warrior of Christ, O blessed martyr Procopius, for thou didst suffer for love of Him! Rejoice, thou who gavest thy body over to cruel tortures for the sake of truly everlasting and blessed life! Rejoice, thou whose insatiable soul findeth constant nourishment as a guest of Christ our God! Wherefore, pray thou for those who keep thy glorious memory with faith, that we be delivered from all wrath, corruption and torment.

Glory…, in Tone VIII —

Having like Paul received thy calling from God, O martyr Procopius, and excelling in God through thy desire for the Cross, thou didst manfully put to shame all the ungodliness and torments of the tyrants. Wherefore, thou didst stand forth against sin even to the shedding of thy blood, struggling against the invisible foe. And thou prayest unceasingly to God the Deliverer, that He grant peace to the whole world and great mercy to our souls!

Now & ever…: Theotokion, or this stavrotheotokion: Spec. Mel. : “O martyrs of the Lord…” —

I cannot bear to see Thee asleep upon the Tree, Who bestowest vigilance upon all, that Thou mayest grant divine and saving wakefulness unto those who, through the fruit of transgression, fell into the sleep of perdition!” weeping, the Virgin said, whom we magnify.


On the Beatitudes, 8 troparia: 4 from the Octoechos; and 4 from Ode III of the martyr’s canon.

Prokimenon, in Tone IV —

Wondrous is God in His saints, the God of Israel.

Stichos: In congregations bless ye God, the Lord from the wellsprings of Israel.

Epistle to Timothy, § 292 [II Tim. 2: 1-10]

Timothy my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. The husbandman that laboreth must be first partaker of the fruits. Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to my gospel: wherein I suffer trouble, as an evildoer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

Alleluia, in Tone IV —

Stichos: The righteous man shall flourish like a palm-tree, and like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.

Stichos: They that are planted in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God they shall blossom forth.

Gospel according to Matthew, § 39

[Mt. 10: 37-42]

The Lord said: “He who loveth father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me: and he who loveth son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me. He who findeth his life shall lose it: and he who loseth his life for My sake shall find it. He who receiveth you receiveth Me, and he who receiveth Me receiveth Him Who sent Me. He who receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”

Communion Verse —

In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings.